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You might recall a story from mid-February about a kindhearted Good Samaritan who bought more than 100 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to get the Scouts out of the cold. The Girls had been posted outside a grocery store during frigid weather when the man — at the time, unknown — said he would purchase their entire stock. The story blew up on social media as a heartwarming tale of spreading good deeds.

Now, in an unexpected turn of events, the man has been both identified and arrested on drug crimes charges. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Detric Lee McGowan was arrested several days or possibly weeks after the Girl Scout Cookie story hit the news. He and several others have been indicted for federal drug crimes, including conspiracy to distribute cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. McGowan has pled not guilty to all 10 of his counts.

At this time, the DEA has not confirmed or denied that they used the Girl Scout Cookie story to ID McGowan and/or to locate him. The Facebook post that announced his good deed has since been removed, most likely by the woman who posted it originally.

Girl Scouts of South Carolina-Mountains to Midlands released a statement that seemed to defend McGowan to some degree. According to their statement, he never placed the Scouts in any danger and acted purely as a kind soul helping others in need.

The story is circulating again after McGowan’s arrest because it highlights the truth behind many people implicated in criminal violations: they are still people. The criminal justice system often paints people facing criminal charges and the convicted as “bad people.” In truth, many are good people who are misunderstood or misled, perhaps not seeing the far reaching consequences of their criminal actions, such as enabling dangerous drug addiction in McGowan’s case.

(You can learn more about this interesting criminal case by clicking here and viewing a full article from NPR.)

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